Desperate to Know Jesus (Consistently) -- and a Conversation with Peter Englert [EP 40]

In this episode, my guest lets us take a look into his life and how time, faith and consistency helps him get to know Jesus.  A made five “knowing Jesus” statements to him and had him comment on each one.

A lot of people are taking my spiritual self-assessment. Have you? Find out how you’re doing in your relationship with God. I’ve developed a Spiritual Self-Assessment that will give you some answers about the health of your relationship with Christ. Go get it now and take it. It’s free when you go to my website at 

June 7. That’s when my new book comes out. Thanks to many of you for helping me with the title. I put out some possibilities to my email list and got a lot of votes that are helping me narrow it down. I’ll keep you informed all along the way, and I’ll probably ask for your help. 


Are we desperate to know Jesus?

In our last episode, we said that most of life happens between the trials. How can you know Jesus as deeply as if you were in the middle of hardship? That’s the challenge.

Let's look at four keys for how to know Christ.

#1: A Pure Heart

It starts with a pure heart. And that begins with coming to Jesus. When you’re battling through a trial, you’re probably honest with Jesus. You don’t hide anything. You’re desperate. You pour out your heart.

In the normal flow of life, that same transparency is needed if you’re to know Christ deeply.

A good introspection leads to a good cleansing. Not that we should get into a confession frenzy, but we are sinful people. Sin dwells in our heart.

Check your thoughts and attitudes before Jesus. Think about the words you’ve spoken to others in the past few days. How have you behaved? In the presence of Jesus, run these things through your mind. Expose them to the Lord. Admit your sin and affirm his cleansing through confession. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (I John 1:9 NIV).

What a magnificent promise!

Then repent, turning away from the sin you’ve confessed. Repentance isn’t a simple action. We’re pulled in by sin, so we have to intentionally turn away from it. A full 180 degrees in the opposite direction. Your heart needs to do an about face.

#2: Receive his Love

Doesn’t it bring joy to your heart when your children know you love them? They come running to you when you walk in the door. They crawl up on your lap or, if they’re too big for your lap, they give you a big hug. When they need help, they come freely to you. You joke around, play games, laugh together, cry together. All because they feel safe and free in your love.

We often have a hard time receiving the love of Jesus. We hardly consider it. This can be a major roadblock to knowing Christ. We’re left with knowing about Christ, but not knowing him like Paul.

I often spend a half day with God. No agenda. Just a time to connect on a deeper level, uninterrupted by anything. I shield myself from my phone, isolating me from the outside world. Prayer, journaling, Bible study and sometimes Christian music are part of my experience. It’s so refreshing and purifying.

I was walking with a friend the other day. He told me about a wonderful habit he and his wife have. They invite their grandchildren for an overnight a couple times a month. I’m envious, because our closest grandchildren are 500 miles away.

During the sleepover, my friends’ grandkids are loved on with chocolate chip cookies, a kids movie together and a variety of unplanned activities. I’m sure they learn about Jesus, too, during bedtime stories or dinner conversations.

These little ones are growing closer to their grandparents as every year goes by. They’re getting to know them in the context of life. Phone calls and video chats are nice, but that doesn’t cut it when it comes to knowing this couple. My friends are pouring out their love on the kids and the kids are receiving it. Fast forward 10 years and imagine the bond of love and knowing that will exist.

Do you receive Jesus’ love? Or is your relationship defined by prayer and Bible study? I feel that’s two-dimensional. While prayer and Bible study are vital in knowing Christ, there’s so much more potential in the relationship. To make it full and complete, there needs to be informal time with your Savior.

#3: Love Him

Are you loving Jesus merely by the things you do for him? Or are you loving Jesus by first investing time to be with him and know him?

Bible study is good. So is serving at church. Obeying the Word of God is essential. Giving generously to the Lord’s work is living out your faith. Feeding sheep by discipling or mentoring other believers is right in line with God’s will.

However, don’t get caught up in the performance trap. Your works can be evidence of your love, but they are not the core of your love relationship with Jesus.

With a treasured relationship at the center, a whole new adventure with Jesus opens up. Your service for him takes on a fresh meaning. Your faith walk comes alive. Giving, serving, mentoring and feeding is inspired by your love for Jesus and empowered by his Holy Spirit.

Because you love Jesus, you’ll discover that your actions for him will deepen your love further. It’s a cycle.

Love Jesus and you’ll know him more deeply.

#4: Live Joyfully with Him

As I passed by the coffee station at my ministry office, I heard two co-workers laughing. Suddenly, I stopped, looked at them and announced, “Stop laughing! This is a Christian organization.” Then I walked on, with a sheepish grin.

As Christians, we often take our relationship with Jesus too seriously. We need to laugh with him. I’m sure the disciples and our Savior had a few outbursts together. And imagine all those times when the men didn’t get his parables. Jesus probably chuckled when he explained the truth from three different angles.

“OK guys, you look confused. Let me unpack it a different way. There was this farmer…”

When I was in grade school, lunch was my favorite class. I’d join all my friends as we shared our lives and sandwiches. Lots of stories, laughs, boasting and … noise!

Until the principal walked in. Talking stopped. Laughing subsided. A hush fell over the entire room as he slowly walked past each table. If any of us had done something wrong that morning, we were sure we’d be pulled out and escorted to his office.

To this day, I don’t know why silence reigned whenever he entered, but it always did. I guess we felt we were supposed to act that way. Some sort of military inspection by the General.

Too often, we view Jesus as our principal. Silence is demanded. Laughing isn’t allowed in his presence. Be quiet and eat. I’m sure my principal didn’t want us to think or act that way, just as Jesus doesn’t today.

We can be too stilted in our relationship with Jesus. We live out the Lordship part, honoring Jesus as Master. However, some people have a hard time living out the love part. Once you understand how much Jesus loves you, your heart will be flooded with joy. You’ll be like a kid with your hero – excited, laughing, talking, having fun together. Every moment with Jesus will become a rich experience.

Are you living joyfully with Jesus? If not, you’re missing out on a valuable dimension of your relationship with him. He’s your friend. Like any other friendship, fun and happiness should abound.

You can’t really know him until you loosen up and enjoy him.

Live joyfully with Jesus.


I’m convinced that as we have the foundations I discussed, we’ll know Christ better and be more consistent in our walk. My guest in today’s interview is all about consistency. Peter Englert is a pastor form my hometown, Rochester, New York. He's the Adult Ministries Director at Browncroft Community Church. He's also a podcaster. In our conversation, he had some great things to say about his journey with Christ-- and how we might relate.

Peter graduated from the University of Valley Forge with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and a M.A. in Theology. His experience outside of working for the church has shaped the content that he creates. His goal is simple – to provide helpful and practical resources for people to live out their faith in the Monday-Saturday of life and not just Sunday morning.


If you want your life to be vibrant, consistent walk of faith, then I want to help you. Fresh Faith 24/7 is open and ready for you to take it for a test drive. A Free Trial that will get you inside and experience all the great benefits. One of those benefits is the FREEDOM PATH TRAINING inside Fresh Faith 24/7. This is truly focused on those who want to know Christ more intimately. If that’s you, then I created this for you.

It's a complete video training, including a Playbook so you can follow along and take notes. If you want to change, let’s get serious. There are four modules. Take a look at


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