Stories of Freedom (Told by Two Men Pursuing Jesus) [EP 41]

[IMPORTANT NOTE: A lot of people are taking my free Spiritual Self-Assessment. Have you? Find out how you’re doing in your relationship with God? You may know already, but this will get more specific. I’ve developed a Spiritual Self-Assessment that will give you some answers about the health of your relationship with Christ. This Self-Assessment will take just 3 minutes. It includes some probing questions that will give you the honest truth about your relationship with Christ. Go get it now and take it. It’s free HERE.]

June 7 is less than a month away. And that’s when my new book comes out: SILENCE YOUR INNER PHARISEE. The subtitle is this: Ditch Performance and Embrace Radical Freedom in Christ. If you’re a regular listener to this podcast, you know that the message of this book is near and dear to my heart.

For some of us, performance dominates our Christian lives. We tell ourselves we’re right with God, but deep inside we know something is wrong.

As you know, that was my story for decades. And it may be your story right now.

Are we Pharisees? Oh no, not that!

Silence Your Inner Pharisee challenges the longtime believer to think differently about his or her relationship with Christ.

Maybe you’ve been giving Jesus your best for years. You’ve faithfully obeyed and served him. You’ve led others to Christ or mentored them to maturity. You serve in the kids’ ministry at church. You’re in a Bible study. You lead a small group. You appear to be a stellar Christian example. You’re doing all the right things.

Yet, you’re dying inside. You know it but others don’t. Maybe you feel distant from God. He’s a cold being rather than a warm friend.

Here’s your opportunity to move from frustration to freedom in your walk with Christ.

In my book, I encourage you to ditch performance and embrace radical freedom in Christ. I did that. After decades of Christian leadership and service, God changed my life.

You can read my story and the stories of others when the book comes out June 7. You’ll be able to pick it up on Amazon on Kindle or in print. And God can change your story!

As I mentioned, I’ve got two guests on my show. They tell their stories in the book, and I wanted you to meet them here. They were on my show in the early days and their stories were so good, Each of these guys on my show today has gone through the struggle of performance Christianity. I wanted you to hear how they dealt with it.

My first guest is Larry Walters. Larry is a longtime believer, a good friend, a fellow Christian broadcaster and a discipler of men.

I’ve seen Larry’s life change over the past several years. And I know it’s all because he has discovered intimacy with Christ. He’s a guy who has ditched performance. You can read his story in my book when it comes out June 7.

My second guest is Ralf Stores. Ralf has experienced a 180-degree change in his life. Like I say in my book, for those of us who are performers, performance Christianity is always nipping at our heels. As far as Ralf is concerned, he’s making great progress. You’ll hear about it. Ralf is a men’s ministry leader in his church, he delivers the sermon several times a year, is in media ministry with TWR, and he and I take regular walks to solve the problems of the world. Yeah, we’re good friends, and most of the time we’re working through performance Christianity on those walks. 

Since the interview, Ralf has started a ministry called THE REST STOP. He’s been doing audio and video blogs and written ones, too. Every week, he comes out with a new one. Check it. It’s excellent!

Well, you’ve heard the detailed stories from two men who are featured in my upcoming book, Silence Your Inner Pharisee.

I could share principle after principle about escaping the bondage of performance Christianity, but we need to see how this works in real life. That’s why these stories, and the other ones in the book, are so important. I believe God will change your story, too, but that’s for the next episode.



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