Step into the FRESH FAITH 24/7 Retreat Center

On-demand biblical content when you need it. Start with FREEDOM PATH Training (TM), a four-module video training that puts you on the path to freedom. Move from spiritual dryness to joy, peace and fulfillment. Your relationship with Christ will be fresh again.
Module 1: The Awakening (7 sessions)
Module 2: The Core (7 sessions)
Module 3: The Depth (9 sessions)
Module 4: The Follow-through (7 sessions)

There's power in community. Other members are in this journey with you.
Our private Facebook group will encourage, challenge and inspire you. Whether it's the middle of the day or the middle of the night, drop in and post what's on your heart and mind.
Post comments, ask questions, respond to other members. Share what God is teaching you on the journey. Gain insight from other members as they share their stories.
You’ll engage with other believers who are like-minded. They’re on the path to freedom from the bondage of performance Christianity.
We are a movement of believers desperate to know Jesus. You're not alone.

Video Devotionals
You’ll also have access to dozens of online video devotionals taught by Jon Fugler. When you need a jump-start or to get back on track in your relationship with Jesus, spend time in the sessions on joy, prayer and the identities of Christ.
These aren't meant to replace your Quiet Time with God, but to help you get focused as you meet with him.