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Hi, I'm Jon Edward Fugler, CEO of FRESH FAITH 24/7. On the night of my conversion, I was told by a church leader that if I didn’t do anything else, spend five minutes a day reading the Bible. That’s the best advice in the world, because it fills our minds with the Word of God. However, that was one of the worst things you could tell me.
Why is that? You see, I grew up as an athlete. I loved sports. I was a performer, and that was my go-to in every area of life. I even started each day in high school with a schedule and to-do list for the day. That’s unusual for a 16-year-old.
So the advice of spending five minutes a day reading the Bible—Well, it fed my performance-based mentality.
Like a good athlete, I read my spiritual training book (the Bible) faithfully almost every single day. For at least five minutes. I do believe this routine kept me in the game. I had no Christian friends and went to a dead church. And the church where I came to Christ was 20 miles from home. I knew nothing about growing in my faith. My Bible was my only hope. I was stranded with it until a few Christians showed up in my life, but my spiritual input remained meager at best.
That’s how I kicked off my Christian life.
And the next 40+ years of my faith were characterized by what I call “performance Christianity.”
I was taught how to have personal devotions or “quiet time.” I made sure I did that faithfully so God would approve of me.
I was trained on how to share my faith. I learned that I must do that if I were living obediently for the Lord.
I led Bible studies because growing Christians do that. God would be happy with me.
I adopted James 1:22 as a life verse: “Be doers of the Word, not hearers only.” How could a Bible verse like that be bad for me? It’s a holy verse of Scripture, but it became the core of who I was. It took the place of Jesus at the center of my life.
I was eating up the how-to Christian life books that flooded the Christian marketplace. Five steps for a thriving Christian marriage; seven ways to raise healthy children; the four pillars of Christian growth.
I went to a number of conferences where the Christian speakers affirmed the “step-by-step to spiritual success” philosophy.
Driven by performance for God...
I thrust myself 100% into full-time Christian service right out of college.
That environment fed my need to perform. Over the years, I became a Christian leader in a variety of settings.
Certainly, I had many, many spiritual victories and some incredible times of growth. I fell into the arms of Jesus in countless seasons over those decades. God did amazing things in my life and my faith grew year after year. But there was one thing that held me down. My default was performance Christianity, serving Jesus rather than knowing him.
That’s why I went through seasons of staleness, ups and downs, even feeling distant from God. I plateaued time after time with Jesus.
Maybe you can relate. It might not be caused by performance Christianity, but the results are the same: spiritual staleness, inconsistency, frustration and just hanging in there with your faith.
Wrapped up in activities and outcomes, I had so often missed Jesus.
The more I knew about “living” the Christian life, the more I wanted to learn and do. I was growing spiritually, but not growing in intimacy with Jesus.
Then, after years of this, I had a spiritual breakthrough. I discovered the freedom of knowing Christ—really knowing him -- in a way I had never thought possible.
The result?
Peace. Joy. Contentment.
I was so excited about this new way of life that I wanted other believers to experience the same thing, joining me in this adventure. So I created FRESH FAITH 24/7. It’s a vibrant place where Christians can enjoy renewed peace, purpose and power in a fresh relationship with Jesus.
Maybe this is what you need. Once you taste it, you’ll never go back to where you are now.
FRESH FAITH 24/7 offers three life-giving elements.
First, dive into inspiring, on-demand, short biblical content -- audio, video and written -- that will draw you to the heart of Christ day after day. Second, be supported and encouraged by like-minded believers in the FRESH FAITH 24/7 Online Community. And third, grow in your journey to intimately know Christ -- through our Fresh Faith Live interactive sessions once a week.
I’ll be there with you in each of those places.
Pursue Jesus and know him deeply. That’s what a relationship with Christ is all about. Just like I discovered, you’ll enjoy a life of peace, joy and contentment with Jesus.
You’ll experience the incredible joy the Apostle Paul knew when he said, “I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Philippians 3:8 NIV). Peter knew that joy and fulfillment, too. He said, “His divine power has given us everything we need through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” (2 Peter 1:3-4 NIV)
Join me and others who are on the journey. We desperately want to know Jesus. Do you? See the difference it makes in your own life when you experience a renewed relationship with him.